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mx id: 11182 | OBO id: none | URI: none
posterior petiolar distance
Defined (both definition and relationships must be met)
The anatomical line between the center of the petiolar spiracle and the global minima of the contour line of the dorsal region of the posterior petiolar constriction in lateral view when the specimen is rotated until the contour line became as symmetric as possible.
written by: Csősz, S., J. Heinze, and I. Mikó. 2015. Taxonomic Synopsis of the Ponto-Mediterranean Ants of Temnothorax nylanderi Species-Group. PLoS ONE 10:e0140000.

Relationships / properties:
The posterior petiolar distance is a anatomical line.

Label usage (sensu)
posterior petiolar distance by Csősz, S., J. Heinze, and I. Mikó. 2015. Taxonomic Synopsis of the Ponto-Mediterranean Ants of Temnothorax nylanderi Species-Group. PLoS ONE 10:e0140000.

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