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mx id: 1190 | OBO id: HAO:0000303 | URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/HAO_0000303
Defined (both definition and relationships must be met)
The area that is located on the pleuron anteroventrally of the pleural sulcus.
written by: Miko, I. 2009. -2019 Curator. Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology.

Relationships / properties:
The episternum is a area.
The episternum is part of the cuticle. The episternum is part of the pleuron.

Label usage (sensu)
episternum by Ronquist, F., and G. Nordlander. 1989. Skeletal morphology of an archaic cynipoid, Ibalia rufipes (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae). Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 33:1-60.
episternum by Deans, A. R. 2009. HAO curator..
Comments and tags
alternative definition added almost 16 years ago by Andy Deans
the lateral region of the pleuron anterior or ventral to the pleural sulcus (modified from Michener 1944)
  Reference: Ronquist, F., and G. Nordlander. 1989. Skeletal morphology of an archaic cynipoid, Ibalia rufipes (Hymenoptera: Ibaliidae). Entomologica Scandinavica, Supplement 33:1-60.
  Cross reference: None provided.

alternative definition added almost 18 years ago by Andy Deans
the area of the pleuron before the pleural suture and above the trochantin, sometimes divided horizontally into a supraepisternum, or anepisternum, and an infraepisternum or katepisternum
  Reference: Snodgrass, R. E. 1935. Principles of insect morphology. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York & London 667 pp.
  Cross reference: None provided.

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